EDP Express - QuickStart

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EDP Express - QuickStart

The EQuIS Data Processor or EDP, sets the standard for simplicity in data quality management, while supporting a host of features and capabilities that allow you the utmost in data checking flexibility.


Enterprise EDP is an automated tool that checks EDDs for accuracy against the reference values in the EQuIS database and any business rules that you have established. EQuIS Enterprise now supports the use of multiple EDD formats.


Desktop Modes for EDP


There are three desktop modes for using the EQuIS Data Processor:

Standalone EDP – Standalone EDP is used primarily by data providers such as laboratories or field staff to check data quality prior to data submittal.

Professional EDP – Professional EDP is linked directly to the EQuIS 7 database and can be used by EQuIS power users to check data quality and then load the data into the EQuIS database.

EDP Express - EDP Express can be used in Professional or Standalone mode to allow for data checking and loading of large data files.


EDP Professional Express

To begin using EDP Professional Express, press and hold the Shift key on the keyboard while clicking the EDP button EDP_Icon and follow these two steps.

1.If this is the first time EDP Express is being used, select a format and a .rvf file.

2.Check your data and commit.


Standalone EDP Express


1.In the Windows Command Prompt, navigate to the EQuIS directory that contains the EDP.exe executable.

2.In the Command prompt, type "EDP.exe -x" (without quotes) and hit Enter.