Active Reports - Create an Active Report

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Active Reports - Create an Active Report

Use the Report Designer in EQuIS Professional to drag-and-drop the output fields and build an Active Report. The report designer builds the SQL code once an existing database has been selected as the data source.


Note: The instructions that follow use SQL syntax that is appropriate for SQL Server.


Create an Active Report


1.In EQuIS Professional, click the Forms button (in Open group on Home EQuIS Ribbon).

2.Select to open the Active Reports Form.

3.In the Detail pane, click the cylinder-shaped database button to the left of the word "Detail" — this will open the Report Data Source window.

4.Change DT_LOCATION to DT_WATER_LEVEL in the Query text box:


SELECT * FROM dt_water_level WHERE facility_id = <%@facility_id|Facility ID:|1|S%>


5.Click the OK button.

6.In the Fields list box, click and drag SYS_LOC_CODE, MEASUREMENT_DATE, and WATER_LEVEL_ELEV into the Detail pane.

7.In the Report Designer main menu, click File and select Preview; this will show all of the water levels for the current facility (may take some time if there are many records); Input parameters will not be prompted because the @FACILITY_ID parameter is automatically populated by EQuIS.

8.When finished, close the Preview window.




If you have an active report open and change the facility you are in in EQuIS Professional, the change of facility will not be reflected in your active report (i.e. if you run your active report again, it will display the information for the facility you were previously connected to).

If you get the following error, when editing, publishing or running Active Reports, please disregard it, click OK and proceed:


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
 at System.Object.GetType()
 at EarthSoft.Common.Forms.PropertyTreeS.createRunningReportXMLsDataset()


Tip: To make the report easier to read, drag the Detail pane vertically to shrink it, which will decrease the amount of space between report data. It is also possible to insert a line under the query parameters by clicking on the Line button and drawing a line in the desired location(s).