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The connectionStrings.config file is typically found in the \Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7\bin\ folder. The web.config file, the EarthSoft.Workflow.Service.exe.config file, and the register.exe.config file reference the connectionStrings.config file as the shared source for database connections. The connectionStrings.config file manages one or more connections. If there is only one entry as shown in the following example, the value of the name attribute should be "localhost". In this configuration, the name "localhost" will match any URL.


Default File




 <!-- Enter your EQuIS database connection string information here -->

  <!-- Example:  connectionString="Data Source=localhost;User ID=username;Password=pwd;Database=demo;" -->

 <add name="localhost" connectionString="" providerName="EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection" />



If more than one name entry is present, the value of the name attribute must be a unique URL fragment for the web application. No name attribute value may be a sub-string of another entry.



These entries are unwise since the second entry is a sub-string of the first, and therefore, the search is ambiguous.

<add name="servername/equis7"...

<add name="servername/equis"...


These entries are valid URL fragments

<add name="servername/pathA"...

<add name="servername/pathB"...



The attribute providerName must be the following value: EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection


The attribute connectionString may be any valid ADO.Net connection string value. See SqlConnection.ConnectionString for more information.


If the process opening the connectionStrings.config file has write permission on the file, the connection string will be encrypted and written back the first time the entry is used.






 <!-- Enter your EQuIS database connection string information here -->

  <!-- Example:  connectionString="Data Source=localhost;User ID=username;Password=pwd;Database=demo;" -->

 <add name="" connectionString="Data Source=SQLDB01;User ID=equis_svc;Password=jX45*so36WV7pH;Database=subdomain1;pooling=true;Connection Timeout=600;" providerName="EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection" />

 <add name="" connectionString="Data Source=SQLDB02;User ID=equis_svc;Password=jX45*so36WV7pH;Database=subdomain2;pooling=true;Connection Timeout=600;" providerName="EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection" />

 <add name="" connectionString="f9oeH5Pss59nf39SSV1ksu5lOS79Bys4GS3fo4D" providerName="EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection" />
