Key Map

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Key Map

Key Maps within boring logs enable users to include a small basemap that shows the borehole location in reference to other site features.




To include a key map:

1.Create the initial Plan View map with the layers you would like to appear.

2.Create a boring log by selecting Boring Log in the Create Window of the Tasks Pane.

3.In the Boring Log tab, select Plot > Logs or Plot > Logs from Template and set up your Boring Log layout as desired.

4.Within the boring log template design window, select Insert > Key Map, then click and drag to create a key map on the page.

5.Double-click or right-click on the rectangle for the key map on the page to change the following options:

a.X and Y - position on the page of the key map

b.Width and Height - size of the key map

c.Map Width - how much of the Plan View map is shown within the key map (a larger number means more zoomed out)

d.Options - Including First Page Only if the key map should only appear on the first page


When the boring log is created, a Key Map will be copied to that location for each of the selected boreholes. The content of the Key Map will come from the initial Plan View map.


If using a boring log template with a Key Map, the Plan View map should be drawn first, prior to creating the boring logs or the Key Map will need to be redrawn in the template.


View a training video on Boring Log Key Maps here.