Add Unit Types to Report Parameter Selections

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Add Unit Types to Report Parameter Selections

The report parameter selection menu populates the available items for selection based on the logic in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.DATA_SOURCE. The default unit types (from RT_UNIT.UNIT_TYPE) that display are currently cpv (Concentration Per Volume) and cpw (Concentration Per Weight). Other examples of unit types include length, weight, time, volume, rate-v (rate by volume e.g. flow rate), radium-v (radiation by volume), radium-w (radiation by weight), and temperature. Additional UNIT_TYPEs may be added as follows.


Open ST_REPORT and note the REPORT_ID that references the report being used.

Open ST_REPORT_PARAMETER and filter for this REPORT_ID.

Find all rows with PARAM_NAME=@reporting_unit or @report_unit.

oFor these rows, edit the syntax in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.DATA_SOURCE to add the new UNIT_TYPE. For instance, to add radiation unit types (radium-v and radium-w), the following code should be used.


select unit_code as [Unit], unit_desc as [Desc] from rt_unit where status_flag = 'A' and unit_type in ('cpv','cpw','radium-v','radium-w') order by unit_code


Note: Part of the WHERE clause may be changed or removed (to show all units), if that is desired.